Lægen Shayne Taylor på hospitalet Vanderbilt University Medical Center i Nashville, USA, forklarer i nedenstående video, hvordan hun overbeviste hospitalsledelsen til at oprette en kønsskifteklinik i 2018. Hun understregede, at det er ”HUGE MONEY MAKERS” – især fordi operationerne kræver ”A LOT OF FOLLOW-UPS”.
Videoen finder du nederst i indlægget. Lyden er ikke den allerbedste, så her er, hvad dr. Shayne Taylor siger i den (fra start til slut):
“Starting in January 1st of 2017, according to the Affordable Care Act, insurance cover carriers are mandated to cover medical expenses for trans folks.
Some of our UMC financial folks, in October of 2016, a couple years ago, put down some costs of how much money we think each patient would bring in… And this is only including top surgery… This doesn’t include any bottom surgery… It’s a lot of money. These surgeries make a lot of money.
So, female-to-male chest reconstruction can bring in 40,000 dollars. A patient, just on routine hormone treatment, who I’m only seeing a few times a year, can bring in several thousand dollars. That requires a lot of business and labs. It actually makes money for the hospital.
Now, these I got from the internet, but it’s from the Philadelphia center for transgender surgery, which does a lot of surgery for patients, and I just want to give you an idea of how much these bottom surgeries are making.
And this is, I think… This has to be an underestimate. This is for vaginoplasty. They’re saying they’re quoting roughly around 20,000 dollars for vaginoplasty, but that doesn’t include your hospital stay. That doesn’t include your post-op visits. That doesn’t include your anesthesia… Your OR… [Operating Room] So I would think that this has to be a gross underestimate. I think that’s just like the surgeon’s piece of it, which anybody who’s ever been in the hospital knows… That that’s like 10 percent of it.
And the female-to-male bottom surgeries, these are huge money makers. Again, I think this has to be an underestimate… They’re quoting around 20,000 dollars for phalloplasty. There’s been different things that I’ve read that said it could be up to 100,000 dollars. Dr Lineker, who’s our surgeon, says that there’s entire clinics where the entire clinic is supported just by their phalloplasties, and that is like a fraction of the surgeries that they’re doing.
These surgeries are labor-intensive. They require a lot of follow-ups. They require a lot of or time. And they make money. They make money for the hospital.”
Efter at denne video blev afsløret, har Vanderbilt Gender Clinic slettet alt på hjemmesiden. Hele transkønsklinikkens hjemmeside. Er. Blevet. Slettet. Se selv her: https://www.vanderbilthealth.com/clinic/clinic-transgender-health
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