Her er alle de argumenter, du skal bruge, når folk fx siger: “Helt ærligt, hvorfor er single-sex-toiletter så vigtig en kamp?! Er det ikke transfobisk? Slap nu lidt af!” — Sall Grover rammer hovedet på sømmet – igen igen!

Sall Grovers skriv er et svar til en uforstående, man-splain’ende journalist og kommentator. Salls eminente skriv kommer her:

“Let’s start with the first principle that no human being changes sex, because it’s a physical impossibility. At most, someone can take pharmaceuticals & undergo procedures to *imitate* the opposite sex.

Trans ideology insists that humans have a “gender identity”, and for some people it is different to their biological sex. This is an unfalsifiable claim, much like the Christian soul, and yet it’s the core belief of trans ideology. You’re welcome to believe it, but in a free society you can’t force other people to believe it.

So, for clarity, a man can believe he is a woman but he cannot force anyone else to believe it. Therefore, he can’t force anyone to accept he is a woman, and then, he can’t use female spaces such as bathrooms. Because doing so will be enforcing his belief about himself on other people, violating their rights.

It is wrong to think that each side of this “issue” has equal weight. One side is based on a giant lie and taking rights away from other people (we’ll get to the extent of that in a second) and the other side is based in reality and wants to maintain rights for all. Nancy Mace is on the latter side.

[Nancy Mace er et amerikansk, republikansk kongresmedlem, som er erklæret feminist, og som har sagt tydeligt fra overfor trans-aktivismen – især i forbindelse med, at en “transkvinde” for nylig er blevet indvalgt i Kongressen.]

So, why is the “bathroom issue” so important? Well, basically, it’s the tip of the iceberg for everything else. Much like the “pronoun issue”. Think of them as gateway drugs into trans ideology and the destruction of everyone else’s rights.

Remember, *everyone* has the right to freedom of belief, speech & association. These are the bedrock of a free society. Trans ideology obliterates all three (“trans women are women”, she/her, women’s spaces).

Then there are women’s rights, specifically. See, they were kind of the canary in the coal mine and at this point many women are furious that we have been ignored for so long. We’ve been warning everyone for years. Rather than listening to us, we’re labeled bigots. But the moment a man is in a woman’s space, it’s no longer a woman’s space (and they are men, and we have the right to believe/say it on the basis of fact). What he thinks about himself is irrelevant. In reality, he is an adult human male and his presence in a woman’s space violates the boundaries of every woman who doesn’t want him there. Consent is a thing and it can not be overruled by a man’s thoughts about himself. Women’s spaces are (but not limited to) bathrooms, change rooms, prisons, rape crisis centers, DV shelters, hospital wards, breastfeeding groups & any other even fun recreational need women have.

Remember, women only spaces exist to shield us from the bad men. Good men don’t even think to break the social contract of violating a woman’s boundaries. The moment a man is insisting he has a right to go into a woman’s space, you’re not dealing with the best of the best of men. You’re actually faced with the reason why women’s spaces exist.

It’s also worth researching “autogynephilia”. It will dispel the myth of “vulnerable minority” in three pictures or less. Autogynephilic men make up the majority of men claiming to be women.

Which brings us to lesbians. The L in the LGBT. Men who claim to be women are, for the most part, heterosexual men. And they’re insisting they’re lesbians. I’m sure you can reach the horrific conclusion of that claim.

So while some say this is a small, or fringe, issue, it isn’t. Trans ideology attacks our basic human instincts, our boundaries and the bedrock of a free society.

What Nancy Mace is doing should have been done by many more people in power a long time ago.

If you want to cater to men who claim to be women, do so without taking away the rights of literally a single other person. That’s the challenge.

Everything I have said is provably true.”


Herunder er Sall Grovers skriv. NB: Sall har efterfølgende rettet et ord i allersidste linje. Hun mente ikke “probably true”, men “provably true”.

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